All Prevegenics products are foliar applied. Putting nutrients directly on the leaves allows it to be systemically absorbed by the plant, quickly and efficiently. It is also a more effective and manageable way for growers to provide crops with the correct amount of nutrients, at the right time and frequency, during critical growing stages. This is especially important when plants are not able to get the proper nutrients from the soil. Conventional fertilizer methods can leave farmers battling with soil pH levels in order to be sure they are maintaining the right soil nutrition. Prevegenics foliar products have been applied to hundreds of thousands of acres with amazing results. Trials and demonstrations show time and again that mineral nutrition is a great first strike approach to improving plant health and suppressing bacterial and fungal diseases. Prevegenics products provide uniform coverage allowing micronutrients to diffuse efficiently in crops, quickly correcting deficiencies. Multiple independent research studies also show excellent uptake and mobility of Prevegenics formulations, that resulted in higher levels of essential nutrients in the crops harvested. Produce grown with Prevegenics is proven to be more nutrient packed than traditionally grown foods. Growing healthy, vigorous, high-yield crops requires a continuous effort. Start using Prevegenics products as soon as possible to prevent issues from the beginning and maintain healthy micronutrient levels throughout the growing season into harvest time.